Two hats by Silvia "Pastel Giggles" and "Twilight Tendrils"
Two hats by Silvia " *** " and "Tree in the Meadow". Notice my fingernails match both hats!!
(the *** means I haven't thought of a name yet)
A hat by Lilo "Still Life"
A hat by Lilo "Pink Goblin" I LOVE this one!
Some green spring hats. The top row are all pinky hats, invented by Lilo.
"Sprightly Spring" by Lilo, "Spring Musing" by Silvia, " *** " by Lilo
Second row hats are by Silvia "Tree in the Meadow", "Irish Cottage with Sheep"
Me again, posing by the forsythia in "Pom Pom Pastella"